Our Church

Aston Nechells Churches

Aston Parish Church (Ss Peter & Paul), St Mathews and St James churches.

A church is a community, not simply a building, and Aston Nechells churches work very hard with the local and wider community for the benefit of all. The Church of England churches in Aston and Nechells have many links with the local community, either through groups established with the assistance of the church, or through associations with other churches or community organisations.

The population of Aston and Nechells contains many children, and the church takes whatever opportunities they can to work alongside the local schools as partners in the community.

The annual community carol service, see most of the local primary and secondary schools taking part in some way, and it is always lovely to see the range of young talents that exists in Aston and Nechells. 

Many of the local schools arrange visits to one of the parish churches as part of their RE curriculum, and the churches are very happy to facilitate these visits. The clergy are also upon to provide input to RE lessons in schools and at St Clements’ there is a regular collective worship held by a member of the clergy from Aston Parish Church.

The Aston Churches Together Schools Team develop Christmas and Easter assemblies each year for the local schools in Nechells and Aston. The assemblies are always well received in schools, and combine drama, humour and a clear explanation of the significance of the particular festival for Christians.

Last Christmas the team visited lots of local schools, including St. Clements’. In total, the team shared the significance of Christmas with nearly 3,000 children. Many of the pupils in these schools come from families of other faiths, and it is an excellent opportunity for them to appreciate the relevance and importance of the Christian faith to many people in Birmingham.