Physical Education

Each class has two hours of physical education each week. One of these sessions is delivered with the support of Aspire coaches. Each term one key stage 2 class has swimming as their second session. Autumn term this is year 6. During Spring term, this is year 5 and in Summer both year 4 and year3 go swimming.

Pupils have access to physical education and activity through a range of extra curricular activities and enrichment as well as in house sports tournaments at lunchtime run by coaches and school staff.

The children  have access to forest schools throughout the year and in the summer there is sports day and adventure activities such as Woodlands Adventure centre. We use Getset4PE to support our delivery of PE. This ensures that non specialist staff are supported to deliver high quality PE. This also gives us access to family activities to encourage healthy lifestyles and physical activity. We share these with families half termly.

Many staff have had training in Kids Yoga and the children participate in daily yoga session. Research has shown that yoga can benefit children’s mental health and well-being, as well as their physical health. 

As we know our children have a range of outside influences that impact their resilience, we decided that daily yoga would have a positive impact not only on their resilience but on their self esteem.

The main benefits of yoga for kids are:

helps with self-control, reduces stress and anxiety, improves focus and attention span, trains fine and gross motor skills, builds strength and flexibility, teaches how to regulate emotions, benefits health, impacts relationships with parents, boosts self-esteem and confidence and helps with better sleep.